
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Going Viral with Sandcastles

Well, it seems my Sandcastle video has also managed to get picked up by Boing Boing and then Gizmodo, and now That's after it was mentioned by Earth magazine and some other cool bloggers. I tried not to read all the comments, but it seems that some people just want the quick and dirty "cool part" of the science, while others appreciate the overall narrative a bit more.

This is worth exploring in the future - because as a science educator, it's all about tying the cool little details into the larger narrative. But from an "advocacy" or (to be perfectly honest about the venue/medium) "entertainment" perspective, too much explaining can get in the way. I managed to make the sandcastle video about 2 minutes shorter than the one about dry quicksand, but I still think 5 minutes is a good target length, unless I have some really sweet high speed video to show off.

For those of you who have stumbled upon this site via one of the above sites, welcome. Feel free to browse around and leave a comment if you care to. For those of you who already have been reading, you're one of those who knew about it "before it was cool." Not to say I think the recent attention makes the blog cool - the fun science makes it cool. I just try not to get in the way and give you a little more perspective on the topic.

And who doesn't love a little gratuitous high speed video now and then?

Kyle Stabs a Beer from Matt Kuchta on Vimeo.
WIth @dillhero's special Pirate Knife, Kyle stabs a beer. Don't try this at home, kids!

That's the awesome Kyle Cassidy, doing a little SCIENCE!

Okay, what the heck? This entire post is highlighted... weird. I've set the highlight color to black, so at least you can read the text.

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